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Zlý Časy (Pivovar)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Matuška - Černá RaketaExceptional1
Mestonky Pivar - Rezany LezakGood1
Treboom - Tamborine ManGood1
Vysoky Chumec - DemonExcellent1
Zhurak - Bad FlashExceptional3
Zhurak - UnetiekeeGood1

Visits Details

18 Jan 2022 (Dosser)
After a 30 min tram ride to get here we found 2 floors closed and everyone crammed onto one floor. Usual reservations everywhere. Decided it wasn't worth the effort waiting.
18 Jan 2019 (Dosser)
Too full with seat reservations and no one there. So o annoying
Treboom - Tamborine Man3.90GoodIt's tambor 11 at 4.8 and 39 kns, 1.40£
20 Jan 2016 (Dosser)
Full as always. minus loads and snowing.
Zhurak - Bad Flash8.10Excellentwicked
19 Feb 2014 (Dosser)
Packed out with rich Scandanavians payiny £21 a bottle for a limited edition brew dog and knocking them back soooo quickly. Tasted of syrup. They shared with us. Angie reckoned they smelt of vegemite. The beer not the scandies!
Zhurak - Bad Flash8.10ExceptionalWow, but ran out. Had lots more beers in Prague but not sure how 'real' they were.
Matuška - Černá Raketa6.80ExceptionalAngie loved this. Very sweet dark ale from Matuska. A black IPA.
Zhurak - Unetiekee4.60Good
Mestonky Pivar - Rezany Lezak4.60Good
18 Feb 2014 (Dosser)
Over 40 beers available including beers you wont find in any down town pub. Lots of bottled beers here as well. Brewdog is very popular.
Zhurak - Bad Flash8.10ExceptionalAn amazing imperial stout. So smooth and not tasting of an 8% beer. But the kick came later!! Wow.
Vysoky Chumec - Demon5.20ExcellentSuper dark ale

About the Zlý Časy

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Prague, Czech, 140 00.

Amazing 3 floor pub featuring micro brews from all over the Czech Republic

We have visited this pub 5 times, seen 6 different beers and tried them all.

Map location

Postcode: 140 00